A review of Anthony Storr's Book "Solitude". 審查安東尼storr書中的"孤獨" 。

Isolation and Madness 孤立和瘋狂 

by  BRIAN DAVEY 布萊恩達密

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A review of Anthony Storr's Book "Solitude". 審查安東尼storr書中的"孤獨" 。

Isolation and Madness 孤立和瘋狂 

by  BRIAN DAVEY 布萊恩達密

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Anthony Storr's book "Solitude" (HarperCollins 1994) is, for me, alternately stimulating and annoying. 安東尼storr書中的"孤獨" (哈珀柯林斯1994 ) ,對我來說,交替刺激和憤怒。 The ideas in his book, rearranged only slightly, provide an almost perfect analysis of the cause of madness and an explanation of much of its contents. 這個想法在他的書中,重新安排,只是輕微,提供了一個近乎完美的原因分析瘋了,並解釋了它的許多內容。

The original title of Storr's book was "The School of Genius" and his aim in writing it was to challenge the implicit assumption, so common in therapy, that success in relationships is the only key to happiness. 原標題storr的這本書"讀書的天才" ,而他的目標是在寫作,它是挑戰隱含的假設,所以常見於治療,能否成功地關係是唯一的關鍵,幸福。 Creativity and achievement can also provide satisfaction in life - and creativity often requires isolation from the distraction entailed in close human involvement. 創造力和成就,也能提供滿意的生活-和創造力,往往需要脫離分心,導致在接近人類的參與。 He shows that the capacity to be alone is valuable in a variety of circumstances - when it helps people to get in touch with their deepest feelings, in coming to terms with grief and loss; in sorting out their ideas and in the changing of attitudes. 他表明身份,以被孤立,是寶貴的,在多種情況下-的時候,它幫助人們取得聯繫,與他們的最深切感受,在來與悲痛和損失;整理自己的想法和在不斷變化的態度。 In a series of short biographies of artists, musicians, authors, philosophers, he shows that without long periods of isolation their achievements could scarcely have been possible. 在一連串的短傳畫家,音樂家,作家,哲學家,他表明,沒有長時間的隔離,他們的成就可以幾乎已是不可能的。 In many of these biographies there is a repeated pattern of miserable, lonely and/or persecuted childhoods of people who then made no intimate human relationship (but who were often regarded with affection by friends, not to mention the audiences of their work). 在許多這些傳記,有一個反复的格局可憐的,孤獨和/或迫害童年的人,當時並沒有親密的人際關係(但他們往往視之以情,由朋友,更遑論聽眾他們的工作) 。 It was through their work that these people found their salvation, repaired some of the hurt, found satisfaction in their achievement and creativity. 正是通過他們的工作,這些人發現自己的救贖,修復部分的傷害,找到滿意的,他們的成就和創造性。

But solitude is not always to be regarded positively. 但孤獨並不總是被視為積極的。 The chapter on "Enforced Isolation" is prefaced by a quote from Francis Bacon. 一章"被強迫隔離" ,是作序引述培根。 "The worse solitude is to be destitute of sincere friendship". "更糟的孤獨,是被窮困的真摯的友誼" 。 In this chapter Storr analyses the effects of solitude in conditions of solitary confinement, the psychological torture of political dissidents, sensory deprivation and the like. 在這一章中storr分析的影響,孤獨的情況下被隔離,心理上的折磨政治異議人士,感覺剝奪等。 In these cases the mental breakdowns that result are no different, though Storr does not say it, from the symptoms of schizophrenia - namely hallucinations, confusion, extreme anxiety, a lack of care about personal appearance and habits. 在這些情況下,心理細分這一結果並沒有什麼不同,雖然storr不說,從症狀的精神分裂症-即有幻覺,精神混亂,極端焦慮,缺乏關心個人的外表和習慣。

In this context phenomenon like hallucination become only too clear - cut off from external sensory stimuli there are only internal mental contents in the mind. 在此背景下的現象,如幻覺,成為唯一昭然若揭-切斷來自外部的感官刺激,也只有內部的心理內容在頭腦。 "During waking hours, the brain only functions efficiently if perceptual stimuli from the external world is being received. Our relationship to the environment and our understanding of it depend on the information we gain through our senses. When asleep, our perceptions of the external world are greatly reduced, although significant sounds, like those of a child, may still arouse us. We enter the fantastic world of dreams; an hallucinatory, subjective world which is not dependent on memory in the here and now, but which is governed by our previous experience, by our wishes, our fears and our hopes. " (pp49-50). "在醒來時,大腦的功能只能有效,如果感性刺激,從外部世界正在被接受的,我們的關係,我們的環境和資訊科技的認識在很大程度上依賴於信息,我們爭取通過我們的感官,當睡了,我們的知覺外部世界是大大降低了,雖然顯著的聲音,像一個小孩,仍可能引起我們,我們進入了夢幻般的世界的夢想,一個幻覺,改造主觀世界,是不依賴於記憶,在此時此地,但它是由我國以往的經驗,是我們的願望,我們的恐懼和我們的希望" ( pp49 - 50 ) 。 Of course in conditions of persecution the wishes, fears and hopes are likely to have an intensity of a horrific character and in so far as they are connected to the past they will be connected to childhood terrors of being very vulnerable. 當然,在條件受迫害的願望,恐懼和希望,有可能受到一種強度一場可怕的性格和在這麼遠,因為他們是連接過去,他們將連接童年恐怖的很脆弱。 The dream/hallucinatory process will be regressive because, as Storr relates in an earlier chapter, dreams can be understood as a means in which an emotionally significant effect in the past is related to a recent emotionally significant effect, matching past and present experience (pp24-25). 夢/幻覺進程將倒退,因為作為storr關乎在早先的一章,夢想可以被理解為一種手段,在這一個激情的顯著影響,在過去是與最近在感情上有重大影響,符合過去和現在的經驗( pp24 -25 ) 。 (This closely parallels my own thinking in my article "Madness and Its Causative Contexts" in Changes: An International Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy, June 1995). (此密切的平行線,我自己的思想,在我的文章"的瘋狂和其致病情境"的變化:一個國際期刊的心理學與心理治療, 1995年6月) 。

What is also interesting in this analysis is who survives and who does not. 什麼是也很有意思,在這個分析是,他們賴以生存的人卻不能。 Storr quotes Bruno Bettleheim's experience of a concentration camp "that the prisoners who gave up and died were those who had abandoned any attempt at personal autonomy; who acquiesced in their captors' aim of dehumanising and exercising total control over them" (p49). storr行情布魯諾bettleheim的經驗,一個集中營"的犯人放棄和死亡者已經放棄了任何嘗試在個人自主權;誰默許其捕獲'的目的dehumanising和行使總對他們進行控制" ( p49 ) 。

But what has all this to do with manic or schizophrenic psychosis? 但究竟這一切都離不開躁狂或精神分裂性精神病? Most people who have developed severe 'mental illness' have not previously been imprisoned, politically persecuted or subjected to sensory deprivation experiments. 多數人有嚴重的'精神病' ,而以前被監禁,受政治迫害或遭受感覺剝奪實驗。 To me it seems obvious that solitude and sensory deprivation can occur in a host of other circumstances. 對我來說,似乎顯而易見的是孤獨和感覺剝奪可發生在東道國的其他情況。 In the family for example. 在家庭為榜樣。 It seems absurd to say that solitude and sensory deprivation can occur within a family - but not if you are the family black sheep constantly under pressure not to do this and to keep out of that. 它似乎是荒謬的說,孤獨和感覺剝奪可發生在一個家庭-但不是,如果你是家庭的害群之馬,在不斷的壓力下,不這樣做,並隨時出了這一點。 Psychiatrists Leff and Vaughan have made the basis of their Family Management Aproach for Schizophrenia an observation that in families with "schizohrenic" offspring the relationships tend to demonstrate "High Expressed Emotion". 精神科醫生leff和沃恩已按他們的家族管理aproach為精神分裂症的觀察,在家庭與" schizohrenic "後代的關係,往往表現出"高情感表達" 。 Also that parents tend to be over critical and over involved and their is a high amount of hostility around. 此外,家長往往會超過臨界及以上參與和他們的是高額的敵意左右。 They refuse to see this as an underlying cause because they want to hang onto their medical ideology that schizophrenia is genetically based - which gives the status and power to their profession with its long medical training. 他們拒絕看到這樣的一個根本原因,因為他們想坑上自己的醫療意識形態精神分裂症是遺傳基礎-賦予的權力和地位,以他們的專業與它長期的醫療訓練。 But what kind of a relationship is it where there is a large amount of hostility, where parents are over-involved and over-critical? 但是,是一種什麼樣的關係,是它有大量的敵意,而家長過多地干預和過度批判? Is this not really using different words to describe a situation where someone has 'lost their autonomy' to others, where they are not allowed to be their own person and hence not allowed to develop their own personality. 這是不是真的用不同的詞來描述的情況下,有人已經'失去自治'給他人,他們是不容許被自己的人,因此不容許發展自己的個性。 Might it not mean being stuck in the same family routines, the same family ideas with any attempts to escape leading to the same old rows again and again until breakdown occurs when a young person gets terrified that they will never develop a life of their own, be allowed to have a mind of their own. 也許它並不意味著被卡在同一個家庭的套路,而同一家庭的理念與任何企圖逃跑,導致同樣的老行,一次又一次,直到破裂發生時,一位年輕的人得到驚恐的說,他們將永遠無法建立一個終身他們自己的,允許有一個銘記他們自己的。 Wouldn't this also count as the most profound solitude and a daily sensory deprivation? 不會,這也算為最深刻的孤獨和每日感官剝奪? What happens if one can never do what one wants? 會發生什麼,如果不能做什麼都不想? One suffers what becomes akin to sensory deprivation - one cannot find the stimulation of new relationships nor pursue new interests. 一個患有何種成為類似感覺剝奪-一個無法找到刺激各種新的關係,也不追求新的利益。 As I would put it one can be "institutionalised by one's own family". 正如我把它一個可以被"制度化的一個自己的家庭" 。 One would be imprisoned by one's own family and one's bedroom would become an isolation cell. 人會被監禁一個自己的家庭和一個人的臥室會成為一種隔離牢房。

Storr does not develop the argument in this direction. storr不發展的論點,在這個方向去做。 But isolation and sensory deprivation is not only imposed overtly and explicitly through unjust legal processes. 但是,孤立和被剝奪的感覺是,不僅公然地,明確地通過不公正的法律程序。 For many people isolation and sensory deprivation is the stuff of everyday life - they are sensorily deprived because they have no money for consumer purchases, they are sensorily deprived because they have no work, or their work of the most mind numbing and repetitive tedium; they are sensorily deprived because they live stacked in rectangular environments of grey concrete, peeled paint and glass and surrounded by grass; they are sensorily deprived because they are frightened to go out at night lest they get mugged by those who, in order to find at least some excitement and adventure, rob their neighbours at knifepoint. 對於很多人的分離和感官剝奪,是東西的日常生活-他們是s ensorily剝奪,因為他們沒有錢供消費者購買,他們是s ensorily剝奪,因為他們沒有工作,或者他們的工作,最介意麻木和重複t edium;是sensorily剝奪,因為他們住在堆放矩形環境中的灰色混凝土去皮,油漆和玻璃及四周的雜草;它們sensorily剝奪了,因為他們害怕出門,晚上以免他們搶劫得到那些,為了找到至少有些興奮與冒險,搶他們的鄰居用刀。

I recall in 1984 visiting someone who had been an inmate like myself in his new flat. 我記得在1984年來訪的人,已被一名犯人像我這樣在他的新單位。 He had just received a grant to paint it. 他剛剛收到了補助金,以油漆。 He also had two chairs, a Baby Belling Cooker, one saucepan, a plate and a cassette recorder. 他還貢獻了兩張椅子,一具嬰兒belling鍋,一個平底鍋,碟子和一部錄音機。 He had one tape which he played over and over again. 他有一個錄音帶,他的比賽,並再次改革。 He ate fish and chips and painted his flat white. 他吃了炸魚和薯條和描繪他的單位白人。 Not, of course, quite so much sensory deprivation as in a sensory deprivation experiment - but then a sensory deprivation experiment lasts at most a few hours. 當然,並非只有這麼多感官剝奪,因為在一個感覺剝奪實驗-但當時感覺剝奪實驗歷時最多幾個小時。 This was what this person had to look forward to for the rest of his life. 這是什麼,這個人不得不期待著為餘生。 If I recall correctly Wittgenstein was famous because he once lived in a virtually empty room painted white but then, as Storr shows, he found his salvation in intellectual production, in creative abstraction. 如果我沒有記錯的維特根斯坦是著名的,因為他曾經生活在一個幾乎空房間漆成白色,但隨後,由於storr表明,他找到了自己的救贖,在智力生產,在創作的抽象。 My acquaintance was no Wittgenstein. 我的熟人,沒有維特根斯坦。 Storr is at pains to show that isolation, solitude can be survived by people who are able to find satisfaction in creativity and he occasionally remembers to mention ordinary humans finding satisfaction in solitary pursuits like fishing and gardening. storr是煞費苦心,以證明孤立,孤獨,可以存活的人都能夠找到滿意的創意和他偶爾回憶,更遑論普通的人找到滿意的,在孤獨的追求一樣,漁業和園藝。 But gardening requires resources of garden space, is not easy in the modern world without a car to take you to a garden centre, while fishing requires at least the cost of a bus ride and of a rod, line and licence. 但園藝需要資源的園林空間,是不容易的,在現代世界無車帶您到花園的中心,而漁船至少需要成本,搭巴士和一棒,線和牌照。

Once we begin to relate mental health to the existence of manageable stimulation, personal autonomy and creativity while relating mental illness to deprivation and powerlessness (lack of autonomy) then big cracks begin to appear in the imposing facade of medical psychiatry. 一旦我們開始涉及心理健康所存在的易於管理的刺激,個人自主性和創造性的同時,有關精神病的剝奪和無力感(缺乏自主性) ,那麼大的裂痕開始出現在施加門面醫學精神病學。

Satisfaction in work and creativity - or when you are stifled at work.... 滿意度在工作和創造力-或者當你扼殺在工作. ...

If the stock in trade of therapists and psychiatrists concentrates largely on family and emotional relationships, rather than creativity and work, this is largely because there is, or is assumed to be, a common point of reference here which therapists share with their patients. 如果該股在貿易治療師和精神病醫生大多集中於家庭和情感關係,而不是創造力和工作,這主要是因為有爭論,但還是被假定為一個共同的參考點,在這裡治療師分享他們的病人。 We all share the experience of childhood, we all mostly have some kind of relationships. 我們都有共同的經驗,童年,我們都大都具有某種關係。 However the work we do, and the work settings, are however often very different. 但是我們所做的工作,工作量和工作環境中,但是往往非常不同。

Storr refers to the lives of well known artists, philosophers and scientists whose work he finds interesting. storr是指以生命的著名藝術家,哲學家和科學家們的工作,他覺得有趣。 He makes the reasonable assertion that these artists philosophers and scientists will have found satisfaction in their work. 他作出合理斷言這些藝術家哲學家和科學家已找到滿意的工作。 He does not explore the experience of people who are stifled in their work or those who can get no work. 他不探索經驗的人,扼殺了他們的工作或那些得不到工作。 He only mentions 'the hobbies and work' of ordinary people in passing. 他只提到'業餘愛好和工作'的普通百姓,都在及格。 Yet if creativity is so importance to psychiatric health then it follows that psychiatric pathology might arise out of work circumstances - a road Storr does not go down, preferring instead to concentrate on the world of those people who have been 'successful'. 但如果創造力是如此重視精神衛生,然後接著精神病病理可能出現失去工作的情況下-道s torr不下去,而更願意把注意力集中在世界的那些人被'成功' 。 If we do go down this road we might find psychiatric symptoms because the creativity of ordinary people might be stifled at work, that they might experience a lack of autonomy there. 如果我們真的走上這條路,我們可能會發現精神病症狀,因為創造力的老百姓可能被扼殺在工作時,他們可能會經歷一個缺乏自主性。 However that is an analysis that might involve difficult problems of upsetting employers and powerful vested interests. 不過這是一個分析,即可能涉及的困難問題鐓雇主和強大的既得利益。

In those rare occasions when research about humdrum work and mental ill health has been done the evidence supports the idea that what matters most of all is scope to use one's creativity and be autonomous in the labour process. 在這些罕見的情況下,當研究單調乏味的工作和心理健康欠佳已經做了證據支持的想法是什麼,最重要的是範圍,以利用人的創造力和自主性,在勞動過程中。 ( Kornhauser, "A Mental Health of the Industrial Worker: A Detroit Study" New York, Wiley 1965). ( kornhauser , "心理健康的產業工人:底特律研究" ,紐約出版社1965年) 。 Unskilled machine paced repetitive work on the production line can be bad for your mental health. 非熟練工人機節奏的重複工作,對生產線可以損害你的精神健康。 Doing the same thing minute after minute, hour after hour, month after month, and year after year and having no authority to do otherwise can be experienced as a form of sensory deprivation whose only relief is in the relationships with work mates. 做同樣的事情,一分鐘後分鐘, 1小時後1小時,月复一月,年復一年,並沒有權力這樣做,否則可以經歷一種形式的感官剝奪,他們的唯一救濟是在人際關係與工作的伴侶。 Of course, if you have work mates you are not isolated, but if you are rejected by them, or you become at odds with others though your work, then psychiatric injury may indeed ensue. 當然,如果你有工作,交配,你是不是孤立的,但如果你拒絕他們,或者你變成對立與他人雖然你的工作,那麼精神科損傷確實可能接踵而至。

One of the crushing aspects of unemployment is enforced isolation. 其中的破碎方面的失業率是被強迫隔離。 Many people seek to divert themselves in the early period of unemployment by habitat creation - they renovate their houses. 許多人設法疏導自己的,在早期的失業期,由棲息地創作-他們整修自己的住宅。 Nest building or habitat creation is the form of expression of the creativity of many people but it is heavily dependent on skills, confidence and money. 築巢或棲息創造是表現形式的創意,很多人,但它在很大程度上取決於技能,有信心和金錢。 It is difficult to motivate oneself to these things without support and others. 這是很難去激勵自己,這些事情未經及其他支援服務。 If one is short of support, money, confidence and money then staying at home may be every bit as isolating as a prison cell. 如果是短期的支持,金錢,自信和金錢,然後留在家中,可能每一點作為孤立作為一個牢房。 Boredom is just another name for the onset of sensory deprivation. 解悶,只不過是另一種名稱為發病的感官剝奪。 Chronic boredom can lead to day dreaming and then to madness. 慢性解悶,可導致一天做夢,然後瘋了。 (I found this when I did community development work briefly in East Germany in 1996. Shortly after re-unification huge numbers of people were unemployed at home in neighbourhoods that had not been designed as anything else than dormitories with no community activities. Most previous leisure and communities activities had also been organised before by the work place and these too had collapsed. A great many people were in serious psychological difficulties because they were staying at home in their monotonous concrete bunker flats doing nothing with no sense of what their future might be - even though, at that time, their unemployment pay was quite generous quite a lot of people became very disturbed. Allotment gardening is a major passtime in East Germany and these gardens probably saved the sanity of many people...) (我發現這個時候我本來社區發展工作,簡單地在東部德國在1996年之後不久重新統一,大量的人失業在家,在居民區還沒有被設計成什麼都超過宿舍,沒有社區活動,大部分先前休閒和社區的活動也已舉辦前,由工作單位和這些太崩潰。偉大的,許多人在嚴重的心理困難,因為他們被留在國內,在其單調的混凝土掩體單位,什麼都不做,沒有責任感,對自己的前途也可能-儘管,在那個時候,他們的失業付出相當慷慨,有相當多的人成為非常不安。配售園藝是一個重大的p asstime在東德和這些花園大概救了,思維正常的,很多人. ..)

The imagination as a retreat from unhappiness 想像作為一個務虛會,由不快樂

Storr writes of the works of imagination created by authors" Various types of deprivation in early life may make it difficult for those who suffer them to achieve intimate attachments. But the development of an imaginary world can sometimes serve as a retreat from unhappiness, a compensation from loss, and a basis for later creative achievement" (p 107). storr寫的作品,想像創造的作家"中,各類型的剝奪,在早期生命可能使人們很難為那些受苦,以實現體內附著,但要發展成為一個假想的世界,有時可以充當自動退出,不快樂,賠償從損失的,有基礎的後來創作成果" ( 107 ) 。 My additional point to this would be to ask: what if the imaginary world is not written down but takes the form of day dreaming unattached to any action - might it also not form the basis for a psychiatric diagnosis? 我補充一點,這將是不禁要問:是什麼,如果虛構的世界,是不是寫了下來,但所採取的形式每天做夢獨立的任何行動-或許它也不可能形成一個基礎精神科診斷? Isn't the difference mainly one about how far a person is able to write, how well they are able to martial their fantasies for an audience and in the process having a much more definite sense that they are fantasies. 是不是差別,主要是一個大約有多遠一個人能寫,又如何,以及他們能在戒嚴幻想,為觀眾在這個過程中有一個更為明確的意義上說,他們是幻想。 What is the difference between thinking in metaphors and writing poetry anyway? 區別是什麼思想在隱喻和寫作詩歌呢? They both work by a choice of words which evoke emotionally associative thinking. 他們都工作,由一個選擇的話,這引起情緒上的聯想思維。

Storr quotes figures which show that very many writers have been given a diagnosis and feels the need to repeat the usual psychiatric shibboleth about the cause for this being in their genetic make up. storr行情的預測數字顯示,很多作家都被賦予了診斷,並且覺得有必要重申一貫的精神科shibboleth約事業,為這個正處於其遺傳彌補。 The evidence for this is claimed to be that so many of the relatives of these writers were also 'emotionally disturbed'. 搜尋證據,這是自稱為有這麼多的親人在這些作家也有'情緒上的困擾。 Why should this be evidence? 為什麼會這樣的證據嗎? A large part of his book is about how young people can be damaged emotionally by emotionally damaged parents, other relatives and older siblings. 有很大一部分書是關於青少年如何能損壞情緒激動所損壞的父母,其他親屬和哥哥姐姐。 When this very same idea is turned into statistics it magically becomes evidence of the genetic inheritability of mental health problems. 當這非常相同的想法變成了統計,它神奇地成為證據的遺傳可繼承的心理健康問題。 (One wonders what Darwin would have said about these people whose genes disturbs their interpersonal functioning so profoundly. Surely in this very fact would be the reason the supposed "schizophrenic genetic make up" would die out - for in so far as it inhibits emotional relating surely it also inhibits sexual and reproductive bonding. While we can have no problem understanding how emotional disturbance might be recreated in parts of populations by the ebb and flow of human fortunes and tragedy and then passed across several generations it is a bit difficult to understand how the 'schizophrenic and manic depressive genes' didn't die out a long time ago.) (一奇觀什麼達爾文會說,對這些人的基因擾亂他們的人際運作,如此深刻的,當然在這方面其實很會之所以假定"精神分裂症遺傳彌補"


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